Ermanno and Luca. Ensemble of experience and inventive of an accomplished designer, with the passion and freshness of a young architect and cyclist. Our goal is to design unique and unconventional two wheeled vehicles.


We’re not clones.

We’re Ermanno Righi and Luca Stancari. Together, we decided to build dreams. With our hands, our head and our heart. We design from scratch, our goal is to create something always innovative. Thanks to our digital background we design and create every single piece of the bicycle in 3d. We peronally and manually prototype every part, at our lab here in Modena, Italy. Here our bicycles are born: they are artisanal products. They do not have a price, but a value. The value that intangible something we’re adding to every project. A value coming from our knowledge, our culture, labor, and passion.

We’re not always stuck inside our lab, cycling is our passion, more than a job.

We’re first of all cyclists, and we’re proud to presonally test our prototypes on the battlefield! Like the Dimöndi, designed for bikepacking and adventures on any kind of terrain: immediatley tested in a 3 weeks adventure trip in north west Argentina! The ideas and designs of new bicycles comes first of all from our direct experience as riders, which influences us in our chioces, to always make fresh, different and better stuff!

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