Categories Bikepacking, rides, test ride

3 cime di Lavaredo bikepacking trip

Two weeks ago I went mountain biking for a 3-days journey in the alps, on the border between Italy and Austria.


The trip was organized by my friends from Verona, Giury, Zazza, Walter and Fabio: great mountain bike exeperts and always really great people to cycle and spend time with 😉


Giury, the main promoter of the trip, a great mountain bike enthusiast and used-to-be racer, had been ill for the whole week before it, and was still sick when we started… he was supposed to meet us at the hotel in the evening, but after lunch we were lucky enough to meet him casually at a bus stop on the way: he didn’t resist the urge to pedal, even with 39° fever!

For this occasion I tested for the first time a real bikepacking self supported setup, with my cluster and internode  bags made in italy by missgrape: really great bags.

Unfortunately my Mondo and Dimondi were our for trials so i picked my old school Giant Escaper, an awesome vintage steel mountain bike my dad bought in 1993: this bike taught me more than any other bike and it keeps a very special spot in my heart, as it was my first adventure bike ever, and is still doing great also for mountain bike expeditions like this one… at the end I managed to keep the pace with the other *quite strong cyclists* boys (two of them got the first two positions in the trail of pioneers this year), even slowing down a bit in the descents due to the 26″ wheels and the super small vintage bar. But i had a lot of fun!

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Check some more pics and, see you at the next adventure! On bikes, of course 🙂


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